
Our Sunday Schedule

 Worship Service ~ 10:30 - 11:45 


You Are Loved.

At the end of every service we remind people of a powerful truth.  God loves the world, even when the world does not love God.  Jesus loves you and died to pay for the penalty of your sins. The Father desires for you to know him and to love him back in obedience.  The church is a place for you to be loved, encouraged, and built up.  Come and follow Jesus with us, and if you hear nothing else today, please hear this, You are loved.

Our Main Morning Worship Service:  

We enjoy a time of fellowship with complimentary coffee/tea & donuts, then our worship service begins at 10:30 and concludes no later than 11:45 a.m.

For your children ages birth to three years
We offer a clean and welcoming nursery environment where they will be lovingly attended to by warm, friendly and caring Church members. Our goal is to teach every child that God made and loves them and that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. You can rest assured that (upon your request) should your little one(s) become "not happy" at any point during the service, one of our trained nursery attendants will let you know. (The Nursery is located in the north hall.)

Children from three years old through the 6th grade enjoy Kool Kids
Kool Kids is tailored to your child's age and includes an engaging large group gathering for teaching, alongside a more personal small group time with adult leaders. (Kool Kids enjoy the opening praise portion of our main Worship Service and are then dismissed and meet in the Fireside room in the south hall.)

~ Other Ministries ~

Throughout the week we have a variety of ministries where we gather together to study, serve, and love one another. 


Bible Study
Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. (Except in summer)

We are not meant to live life alone. God has called us to be connected together in community, and we acknowledge and appreciate the many benefits of meeting together in a small group Bible study. This is one of the best ways to grow in your relationship with God, make lasting friendships, and become better equipped to serve the world around you.

Ladies & Men's Breakfast

Once a month the men and ladies gather separately for a time of fellowship and encouragement.